Blog - Page 3 of 46 - Everything Wing Chun® Blog

WCI Review – Sifu Taner & Sifu Graziano – 26 – Baat Cham Dao (Butterfly Swords)

For the most part, the days of the system’s signature weapons being veiled in secrecy and accessible only to disciples and the most loyal of students are gone, with the Internet and social media opening the…

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WCI Review – Sifu Fernandez – WingTchunDo – Lesson 59 – Long Pole – Form, Chi Quan (Sticky Pole), and Lat Quan

Going back to both the literal and figurative roots that grew from fields to classrooms, seeds to trees, that gave rise to cultivating the practice of one of two of the system’s weapons, the Long Pole.…

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WCI Review – Samuel Kwok – Fight Seminar – Long Beach 2017

Sifu Samuel Kwok continues his expansive video contributions with this current instalment to his many volumes on the subject of employing Wing Chun in fight scenario applications. Shot live on the seminar floor, there is close…

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WCI Review – Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal – Sight Beyond Sight

In these fourth and fifth volumes of his hi-def instructional video series, Sifu Harinder Singh presents and explores energy drills to heighten one’s sensitivity and adaptability training in practice toward practical application. “The ability to feel,…

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WCI Review – Sifu Taner & Sifu Graziano – 11/12 – Biu Tze Chi Sao 1 & 2

Breaking down the prevailing perceptions of exclusivity of the system’s third empty-hand form into Chi Sao drilling and application, Sifus Taner and Graziano present another hi-def video submission to their instructional series, with two chapters running…

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Wooden Dummy Cracking Solutions – Make It Beautiful with Colored Epoxy

One of the most challenging things about owning solid-body wooden dummies (vs laminated wood dummies) is trying to maintain the humidity so that they do not start checking (cracking). (Personally, I think you should get it…

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WCI Review – Wayne Belonoha – WBVTS – Chi Sau Styles Seminar

The hallmark cornerstone of Wing Chun is, without question, Chi Sau. The system’s unique training method offers one the platform to unlock the potential of structure, technique, and application of developing reflex reactions so that the…

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