I was asked a question about the significance of Wing Chun Dao and how the name came to be.
It’s a bit long and historic.
Some people probably find me a bit strange, especially those who follow me, in particular, my private international group. I totally understand that. I’ve never been an easy fellow to get on with.
Also, I’ve become a bit of a recluse or a hermit these last years living with my wife in the mountains and forests of Northern Italy away from the city life. I’m not completely anti-Tek but I need nature and martial arts to keep my mind and body in tune with earthly reality.
My teachings have become less public and I prefer to keep my teachings reserved for my more intimate friends and direct students. I’m very happy for them to keep my teachings alive and still maintain more intimate contact rather than think of mass.
There in my personal studio is where part of my property was designed as my personal Wing Chun temple. My students, my personal and closest ones come to see me there. I also continue to dedicate my life teaching some of the public, the community, I have some security or bouncers a couple of cops that may come and pass stuff on to their lads or I might get asked for a consultation. But mainly I just concentrate on my more advanced level students. I’m able to put my heart into it.
So, what happens when a student decides to follow me or tries to understand my mindset, and how does this Wing Chun Dao methodology actually work you might ask?
Not an easy task and add to the difficulty my stubborn nature, I’m seen as a real pain in the ass. I do expect a standard and mental attitude from everyone and more so my more advanced students.
That’s how it is. There are certain antique virtues and teaching methodologies I value, which do work which the youth of today find extremely hard to follow.
For example, shut up! Listen, stop asking so many damn questions, work hard, be consistent and experience the results.
Nowadays it seems everybody, has an answer, everybody has an opinion, everybody wants to talk but no one wants to put in the hours or the work. Go figure. Everybody wants things quickly but have forgotten the values of hard work and sacrifice. You’re training and they want to go on WhatsApp or check out Instagram I mean WTF? Then kids think they see something on YouTube or a video download but don’t experience it in an earthbound reality with full vectorial force and with real people who really know what the heck they’re doing, then in any case they’re going to be in for a real shock when the shit really hits the fan.
So I work, with pressure, with a 360-degree radius of pressure to be clear, and I’ve studied combat on many levels to improve my Wing Chun. Which is what I teach and more.
So, if people don’t like my way of doing things, and your phone is more important than my lesson I tell them as I’ve said to so many before, ‘you don’t like it, there’s the door’—
But if you DO decide to follow me, then you get the complete pain in the ass package.
I suggest you better know and study my history, better know my background, the teachers I’ve been with, know why and what I represent which is important. Because it all connects with how I like to teach and connect with YOU as a person. If I connect with you on a personal level then we build the character, the mind not just the technical aspect.
Look, I’ve been in this game since 1971, My brother started teaching me Wing Chun. Since I was small, I always knew this was much more than just hitting people.
1972 is the year when I followed my big brother to meet learn and train under the late Master Jim Fung in Adelaide South Australia. My older brother Maurice, a high-level Italian police officer who got me into this mess and we’ve been at this journey together ever since, so we never stopped. .
He too is a high-ranking master under the GM Leung Ting, Sigung Kernspecht Wing Chun Association, although he too like me originally started under the Grandmaster Tsui Shung Tin lineage.
I any case, I’m getting off track, back to the creation of the name, my personal family tree, if you like, let’s start with my logo, if you notice, for many years, had 3 emblems.
In Chinese was written Wing-Chun-Dao, that’s it! That’s what it was called, so my logo remained with those 3 emblems. The English wording however initially became a slight mess because I felt Dao may have been a little awkward to pronounce.
So, for years my system went by the name WingTchunDo.
What can I say?
Years passed again and to cut a long story short I said to hell with it! Dao it was meant to be Dao it will stay. End of story.
The system was created after I completed learning the Bart Chum Dao by Master Michelle Stellato in Caserta, and after many periods I spent in Hong Kong watching and training with other people early mornings in the parks. I studied the body mechanics from the sword work which had deeply enlightened me to other realities of combat.
I also connected these mechanics and slicing techniques to the long pole movements which in turn was applied in empty-handed applications at an advanced level. These mechanics just completely put my mind in a total opposition of thinking compared to the many years of training and conditioning I had learned previously. Because it was all connected to the way fighting was done historically in civil wars. So the body mechanics at an advanced level seemed similar like it was a fusion between Wing Chun mixed with Hung Gar…(Just giving a very brief description)
Seeing this change shocked me somewhat. I felt these teachings were rarely or never taught in most Wing Chun families. Which to be honest not only was a shame but bothered me a lot. I found the body mechanics and the footwork was completely compatible with most fighting systems internal and external.
So, it was at that point I made a radical decision to break away and teach a Wing Chun with freer body movements and globalise my body chi sao, making it interact with other fighting systems….
I certainly didn’t want any of my students to wait so many years to learn movements that I felt could be obtained within the first 18 months of training and didn’t want them to be denied movements which should be common knowledge for any Wing Chun practitioner.
I made this decision, broke away and today teach these methodologies earlier rather than later.
So, is it any different to other Wing Chun systems
Yes and no, there is certainly a lot to study.
This is why I have my own personal study group just for my own research to share and help my friends and personal students grow, it’s a non-profit group. I do what I enjoy and believe in, developing programs with my personal family. Occasionally I release certain videos on forums to see what feedbacks I get back from the public, lately I found it to be more positive so at least I know my sacrifices are not going to waste.
It’s very hard to get people to understand that Wing Chun at an advanced level is much more expansive. It’s also very sad when I’ve seen people trying to sell off courses where they combine Long Pole and empty hand combat as a ‘novelty’ as if they invented it personally when in reality if they had studied in depth the whole system, they would have known it was there all along.
I did create an online course many years ago on the Everything Wing Chun website intended to be a guide to help people needing assistance for students who were experienced instructors or people interested in following our school structure. But that was meant as a stepping stone. Some of the concepts I talk about in this article were already included in the course back in the day. Actually the course is still there where I’m supposingly ranked I think amongst the top 100 Sifus in the world. Lol I’m famous
Believe it or not at the time I was so against doing courses online, it took them ages to convince me to do it…The main reason I decided to do it was a false sense of Immortality. I was guaranteed that the way the files were encrypted it would mean, supposingly, in 200 years long after I’m gone, my course would still be here to be a historic reference point as to how Wing Chun was taught. So, I really took that seriously and created it like a university course. Lol don’t buy it. I’m so boring Lol lol lol
In reality it really was meant to be a guide and a stepping stone to create a structure and guidance. Never to be a substitute for a real teacher. The problem is that certain people failed to understand that. To learn a structure which has many layers means you need to have someone who knows his thing, knows how to teach it to you on many levels. Not just copy or imitate a movement. It takes time experience and a lot of hard work. That way when you transmit the student really learns. he/she will evolve, they will go deeper into their mind and body.
The importance of evolution IS GROWTH or maybe growth is evolution.
At least I’m glad to say, that my students and people who work with me can verify this.
The point of what I say above is this. Technology can serve to record and remember. But you need the real thing people, you need to try and work with people better than you to evolve….
To create effective programs, I drew from past experience and where I learned from. To improve my training apart having learnt from 3 different Wing Chun Lineages, I DID cross train with other systems, such as boxing, kick boxing, grappling, wrestling, Philippine weapons and basics of Thai boxing in my work. In 52 years, believe me, you can find the time. I also believe I learned them to the best of my ability. I employ them against my Wing Chun stealing and adapting what I learnt from GM Kernspechts Lat Sao Programs as I spent many years in his organisation…
I also utilise the Chinese Lat Sao programs I learnt directly from Grandmaster Leung Ting when I was doing private lessons with him in Hong Kong China.
There is a big difference, I have made my combative work more chi sao based. With more pressure and variation. I bring it as close to street reality as possible. I’m also very lucky to have high level athletes for example in Boxing, MMA or Greek roman wrestling interacting who help me fuse chi sao against their incoming attacks and we can collaborate with humility. Believe me I’m not one that’s scared to get his ass kicked to learn from someone better than me. I learn with the sole person of improving my Wing Chun.
In the past, it was a common factor in my youth, like a lot of young wise minded guys growing up in Australia, that we looked at a logic of combat with various combat ranges. In the 70s people had one mentality, we looked a lot at boxing and of course martial arts The 80s you had another, the late 80s was different again thanks a lot to the pancrase of Bas Rutten and Shamrock just as an example of many. Of course, no one can deny the explosive era of Mike Tyson.
The 80s and 90s was boom time for seminars in Australia from all types of categories of martial arts from all around the world, which just really short cut my research… Then the 90s went boom! with UFC, then eventually MMA in the 90s.Those days we were bombarded by the TV or we could order projector films from America and we’d watch fights via films, then VHS came out. Certain films were too dear so living in little Italy in Oz we had our ways of getting whatever we wanted lol.
Me and my mates were constantly cross training with our Wing Chun, ever since we were kids growing up in the 70s. We were heavily into Boxing, Kick Boxing, Grappling, Weapons, Kali, Wrestling, sparring with other guys from other systems on an oval or our back yards.
I mean these things were frowned upon by our Sifu’s, we knew that, so we never told our Sifu nor our superior instructors, cos we were just curious. We really wanted to know more. Believe me if you loved that sort of thing it really helped you grow.
I had a strong personal love that never let go of the matrix of Wing Chun or Chi Sao. For me, it felt like it was a magical binding interconnecting force that somehow connected all these systems of combat. The way I was taught Chi Sao on a taositic level just made me have this analogy that it was something magical that adapted to everything it came in contact with. At least this is how I felt chi sao was meant to do. My childhood analogy has never changed by the way, it’s still the way I see things today.
The driving force of this methodology is the way I study and teach Chi Sao., The Chi Sao of the whole body and how to study the body mechanics of the system you are going up against, learning how to unify with it and understanding its energy flow, once you do that you can reverse the energy back into your body and then train to recycle it. So, by using the mechanics and the concepts of Wing Chun on a broader scale you learn to connect your body to more than one combat system through Chi Sao.
Its fundamental in understanding these processes and to get to the roots of Wing Chun Chi Sao, by learning to get your body aligned and realigning it with other fighting systems. It really does work and teaches you so much about yourself and your physical capabilities.
As an explanation I try to keep it simple but at the same time it takes a lot of work guidance and a good understanding of body mechanics. As I said I’ve been at it for 52 years. I’ve had a lot of success in teaching my formula to other athletes such as Greek Roman wrestlers, people in Jiu Jitsu that work in Security who do stand up grappling and in particular boxers. Why boxers? Cos in security a lot of my mates came from boxing backgrounds and they may have previously lost jobs cos they hit people too hard when they weren’t supposed to or break peoples noses and other things. Plus, I’ve been highly fortunate to get a lot of recognition from former 2 times heavy weight champion of the world Tim Witherspoon and collaborate a lot with Lyte Burley of the famous 52 Blocks system. In fact, recently in our team of collaborators we have Dominic Izzo who comes from a heavy background of Greek Roman wrestling then he moved into Wing Chun for many years. Then we have Remy Hegelsen a high Rank Aikido Master who trains with Sensei Master Steven Seagal, and is also a military with much combat experience. We met in Russia in 2019, found that we think combat very similarly and never looked back. All this knowledge and experience has helped me grow no end with my Wing Chun.
I wanted to experience combat on a different level, more direct, so NOT including the years I invested in Boxing and other combat sports, I delved into security periodically, I did the odd stint in the 80s for about 2 years only on call, but I was still considered too much of a skinny runt compared to the bigger guys. So, they’d get the best jobs. There was the odd joint I worked in until it became a profession. Then it was full on for over 25 years.
All throughout my journey my dream was to study combat in every which way I could. To see wing Chun in all dimensions of reality. Especially in close quarters. That really opened my eyes.
Also seeing how people worked in various levels of security, police corps or military police, or even certain military ops just blew my mind away…it was pretty scary stuff and it really opened my mind to other realities. I have students who work in various realities and I’ve sometimes seen certain footage of their work. There are realities people just can’t imagine and I would never want them or normal civilians to be involved in. But when or if you see these things in real time you would look at wing chun application in a completely different reality.
In any case as I studied and grew I also saw my potential and my limitations and just worked on where to improve, what was potentially dangerous and focused more of what I was good at, which close quarters combat…
So, with all my cross training and security work I aimed to make my Wing Chun Dao more powerful and adaptable.
Don’t get me wrong, people may think that by saying this I discredit the potential of other combat systems or maybe I discredit the potential of sparring etc. No this is not true. What I will say is this, you need to prioritise the type of sparring you want to do for the types of objectives you want to achieve, not just sparring for the hell of sparring. End of the day a normal civilian is not getting ready for a state title or a European title. If you want competitions, I have plenty of friends I can send you to. The fortunate thing is that I earned my respect in the security field which meant I had to be competitive with bouncers that came from all different fighting systems. So, you can imagine what it’s like being a Wing Chun man. In any case, like it will happen to many of you I had to fight hard to prove myself and earn my respect. In the end that was never a problem. I was good at my job but I was always honest, I didn’t have the absolute stamina (I was reasonably fit) but I was surrounded by some athletes that were going for European or world titles. I couldn’t go 6 rounds with these guys. And yeh once you get cool with these guys that come from these MMA backgrounds it’s good to drop your egos and learn from them, when you’re willing to learn you might be surprised that they might be interested in hearing you out about Wing Chun. When you’re a man that keeps his word and covers your teams back, you’re always going to get respect win or lose. In these exchanges we found that there were things I could do in close quarters that they couldn’t do and vice versa…Each guy had their Niche.
Regardless, all this was a learning experience for me. So, I formulated this ideology and training programs to train with which,
I will explain here on a basic level,
Understanding and look at the real and present dangers of ranges for a Wing Chun man.
Boxing Range, or all sorts of hits and strikes a person can do to you from close medium and long range
Kick boxing or Karate, Thai Boxing, Tae kwon do, Savate or any long or short distance power kicking ranges. The power the speeds of execution and the bad ass pain.
All sorts of Grapplers clinchers, head butters, eye pokers, biters, stranglers, elbow hitters, knee hitters or whatever anyone is willing to do to you at short range.
Danger zone connected to clinching or grappling and wrestling, very powerful and dangerous strikes and sometimes lethal. An area that needs to be highly guarded and learned to protect and be counter aggressive. Much training done here. It’s not just Thai fighters that use these weapons.
Getting you to the ground and not only looking at wrestling and grappling elements but let’s include all the head-butting eye gouging kneeing and everything that is possible on a Functional level to take you out on the ground. Not only that, but here we’re looking at people who, with reasonable experience have the skill set not only to choke you out but have the knowledge and lever capacity to break joints virtually or any limb in the body and making them lethally dangerous.
Let’s add to the mess you can add, eye gouging, biting, attacks with knives, screwdrivers, sticks, guns, weapons or his mates ganging up on you or just imagine whatever strategy possible to demolish a person.
Whether the variant could be a friendly scuffle to someone touching your babe’s ass ETC brawl or riots at a local footy match or a pub, or whatever Going to next level may mean, from dealing with terrorism, dangers of Weapons of all sorts, Armed robbery, Psychopaths, War, Drug dealers, Local mobsters…
The list is just unsurmountable.
Adding all of this stuff together made my Wing Chun and CHI SAO OUTLOOK VERY expansive and reality based, in particular to the way I trained and developed my body and mindset.
So that in a nutshell is part of what I’ve been up to for over the last 52 years.
I truly love Wing Chun. It’s part of my DNA and my advice is that if you want it to work, you’re an idiot if you don’t study and respect and KNOW who you’re going up against. And even more of an idiot if you don’t physically prepare for it as well…
The Wing Chun Dao that I/WE developed has been to keep working our Chi Sao on a deep level to adapt OUR bodies to these important combat systems.
This is why I learnt them. I teach it to my students or a lot of my students may have come from these backgrounds. It’s easy to teach the basic motor movements of these systems to a Wing Chun man rather than teach classical Wing Chun to a man who is ingrained in his fighting system….The Global Aspect of how I teach Chi Sao makes it easier for a Boxer, a Grappler and even a wrestler to learn the Chi Sao mechanics. I know because for example my Boxing and Greek Roman wrestling coaches are proof.
So one asks
Does this leave time for traditional Wing Chun?
Well, yes absolutely. It’s our foundation. Regardless of my methodologies I always teach the roots. You don’t get very far if you don’t understand the Wing Chun system, do you? A boxer may not be interested but after I’ve shown him a lot of the interconnected Chi Sao work and I see he or she is enthused I usually end up showing them where it all derives from hence going backwards to the beginning starting with the Siu Nim Tao.
But whoever searches the complete package will know all the forms, the Wooden dummy, the long pole, the swords, the applications, because I can assure you, they all come into play when studying the whole Wing Chun Dao program.
I always teach and deeply study my wing Chun forms, my poon Sao, my Gor Sao, and get myself and my students as deeply rooted and connected into this work as much as I can….
Always getting them to work as hard as possible with a lot of pressure.is vitally important. Because you’re also training them to have the warrior mentality.
You need to know how to walk run push grab, press, and throw people with Wing Chun Dao. You need to know how to confront and deal with pressure… but you also need to have fun and make friends….
I grew up in Australia learning Wing Chun under Sifu Jim Fung of the GM Tsui Shung Tin lineage of GGM Yip Man. Times were very different however I feel fortunate, I really felt I was in a family community and that everybody was very generous and friendly. This was the same of my Sifu and also the same when I met Sigung Tsui Shung Tin.
Regardless of how much importance I have put into my experience of combat and it’s benefits of making you a more complete fighter. I suggest you do all your training with a sense of equal sense of balance for yourself and for those around you.
Self-defence, martial arts or martial combat inevitably makes many think it leads to violence. Unfortunately, in my life this has proven to be true. I suggest to anybody or everybody to ask themselves why take up a long road in the martial arts at such a young age or at any age? At close to 58 years old, I can speak for myself, mine was based on certain insecurities. I could moan and bitch about it but I take responsibility for it. However, in good or bad it made me a better person after, I don’t know, I lost count of the mistakes I made along the way. However the only tip I can give youngsters is to go at it with a clear and balanced mind, look after the body your neck, don’t’ go heavy with the head shots, that is unless you’re really going to do it as a profession in that case maybe look at the Mayweather school of boxing or check out me mates Tim Witherspoon and Lyte Burley who are easily accessible and have their own YouTube channels, important to do things with a healthy sense of balance and also have a good ethics in life. The wrong attitude having a big ego empowering yourself over others will have its day on you, it takes time but your turn will come so always be fair even if you are talented. Stupid and blind arrogance is never tolerated in the long run.
People sometimes accuse me of imitating Bruce Lee or redoing Jeet Kune Do. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But people really have no idea of where I’ve been or what I’m about…which is cool. I can’t spend my life explaining myself to everyone. When I meet people face to face it only takes a few minutes to understand that I’m a cool person and I know what I’m talking about. In regards to JKD, I believe it’s an art unto itself and Bruce was a unique and brilliant individual. There is no doubt that Bruce Lee was my first Martial art inspiration. But my life and my dreams are mine, I don’t have time to read on others or imitate people. I was always too busy working. My dream was to get Wing Chun recognised as a fighting system where it counted, for me it was in security, and in Self Défense. I personally never felt it could work in the ring for several reasons, whereas I had this Spartan mentality, no retreat no surrender mentality that just functioned so well in security So, this, is where I had much success in fighting especially when things got chaotic, I knew how to move and walk my body through or around people.
So, my whole approach to founding Wing Chun Dao and understanding other systems to be honest I felt had almost nothing to do with the way Bruce Lee formulated JKD. The similarities lies in that I definitely studied other systems but this was to enforce my Chi Sao and Wing Chun…
Chi Sao literally means and teaches to adapt to any shape or form
And that’s where the comparison ends
My interests in teaching and helping myself and others grow was in improving the capacities of learning how to use mind and body correctly, which is no easy task.
Once you get the wheels in motion you can achieve most things in life, at least by starting to have a better interior outlook and by starting to look after your health and body.
As the years has progressed my work has also become more internal, by helping me fortifying mind body. People must remember that as a child I was deeply impacted by Sifu Jim Fung, everything seemed magical to me, what he could do, the one inch punch, his explosive energy from such a small individual. All the stories I had heard about Sigung Tsui Shung Tin the first times I saw the super 8 videos at the back room of the Adelaide school of Sifu Jim throwing incredibly fast Wing Chun punches at Sigung and he seemingly deflecting them away effortlessly. To me just seemed like absolute magic. It made me become even more obsessive with the love of the art. In the past I have had many contacts with people who practised pushing hands in the parks of China and also actual Masters from the two main families of Tai Chi. Both being completely different experiences and having the honour to get the highest praises from them. When I was young, I had a Greek friend who sadly passed away who taught me Chi Kung, he would teach me how to breathe and execute power through my strikes. I was pretty amazed at some of the things he was able to obtain. A lot of Internal has been intuitive and based on personal research much I share with my older Brother Maurice who is very much Internal and I often talk to him about what my feelings are on the amazing power our Sigung Tsui Shung Tin had and how his body was connected.
In the last few weeks years I have been training and researching more of the internal’ teachings of Li Quan of GM Sam Chin. After many years of checking out his material, since 2008 in fact, I finally got the honour to meet and learn from in person GM Sam Chin and his son HiSing Chin. One week of full time intense study and training, from 7:30 am til 10pm everyday. It was very illuminating, I found that it reflected my many years of research which I talked to Grandmaster Chin about. It deeply reflects the fighting spirit I and we believe in. It also connects on a deeper level the concept and power of ‘Global Chi-Sao’. I found GM Sam Chin to be a truly humble, charismatic and very evolved gentleman with an extremely strong fighting spirit. Things that are very rare to find in a Martial arts master these dais
All of this I Pass these teachings to my students, which plays a big part of our lives and is in a constant state of development. Learning how to use the mind body and energy connection becomes more important as you get older, and also the deep-rooted connections of our energies become more apparent if you know how to train them wisely.
My work is always a personal interpretation respecting the teachings and lineages of where I came from. Hence as I’ve already said, it doesn’t always make me a very easy person to work with, but hey no one’s perfect.
I’m surrounded by dear friends, students and special guests that are at world championship level, that I can refer to My big Brother Wing Chun Master Maurizio Corti, Former heavyweight Champion of the world Tim Witherspoon, Lyte Burley of 52 Blocks, My Greek Roman Wrestling teacher Federico, with more than 35 years of experience, or if I ever need my ass kicked, I call my friend and mate who I worked as a bouncer with for many years former MMA Heavy weight Champ Antonio Saracino, Remy Hegelsen of Aikido, Dominik Izzo of wrestling then Wing Chun, my oldest student of 20 years and bouncer Biagio Verdirame, My oldest student in France Masimo Giorgianni, I better throw in my wife Mari, or she’ll kick my ass lol
I also have people who also have done military missions, police service, and anti-Terrorist service or who have literally gone to war, that have and who help me, give me advice and I truly honour and appreciate their presence…
All these people contribute to make me better , self-aware and a better teacher.
In exchange I truly hope my teachings and our contributions can offer back to the world of Kung Fu and all forms of combat …
At the end of the day if I were asked what my ‘End Game’ was, it would be to make our style like anybody’s style/art system of combat, more complete. More powerful. More recognised, as a complete fighting system as it’s always growing. And evolving. There is a history and many thousands of hours has come out from my body to put it all together.
I have many students I have grown and shared with and taught, they in turn have grown with me. I truly believe in them in helping me spread my methodology, my way of thinking, and it is growing. Those who survived my ball busting all these years I consider tough. I’m a tough hard headed and stubborn task master. I have my reasons. People have offered me large sums of money thinking I would sell of programs or certificates just to qualify them as Sifus so they could make a small quid… Sorry I’m not that guy
I don’t want the efforts I put into my region of Europe to go to waste.
I’m always learning till the day I die.
This attitude helps me grow, always getting better, always persisting to improve and learning to understand how to win where and when it counted, I can assure you no matter how badly Wing Chun has been talked about over the years, wherever I worked in security, riot control, door work and body guard work. I’ve always put my face to prove otherwise. No one ever said to my face Wing Chun was shit once I proved myself.
Wing Chun Dao has been a very long journey. Studying systems and reintegrating them into Chi Sao has been a lot like reverse engineering.
So Classic Wing Chun has been necessary, when I’m in crisis or I don’t understand something I go back to traditional Yip Man forms as if I’m going back to the drawing board, to study work on my geometric scales or relook at a maths or physics lesson or my body power interconnecting mechanics lesson…
If you were to study just your forms for years for example you can work out a lot of good and powerful stuff about your body.
One final and important point. It’s never a do it on your own journey. You always get help from present and past masters. That’s why all people who truly contributed for the right causes deserve respect. They always leave behind important lessons and clues to help you connect the pieces
All the best. If I talked too much I apologise for the ramble.
Paul Fernandez
PS for anyone interested this is the original course I put out many years ago