We were pleased to discover that not only were our exclusive Buick Yip swords used at the opening of Ip Man 3 and given to Mike Tyson, but Bruce Bao’s longpoles were also used in that…
A few TV Shows/Movies EWC has helped with, or had products in.
Everything Wing Chun has been involved with, or sold products to, quite a few TV shows and movies over the years. While nothing so glamorous as doing the fight choreography for one of the Ip Man…
Buick Yip Swords Given to Mike Tyson at Ip Man 3 Opening
We found this to be interesting. At the opening to the Film, “Ip Man 3”, a pair of swords designed for the Everything Wing Chun site by Buick Yip were given to Mike Tyson and used…
New! Wayne Belonoha’s 9 Volume Ving Tsun Blu-Ray Series
Sifu Wayne Belonoha has just released a really awesome 9 Blu-Ray disk set on Ving Tsun Kung Fu. This set is the highest-quality production of any Wing Chun instructional video we’ve even seen (and we’ve seen…
New! Buick Yip Bookmarks – Free For Owners of His Dummies
Buick Yip has decided to make a limited series of hand-written, custom made bookmarks for customers that own his dummies. If you want one all you have to do is email Everything Wing Chun (email address…
Win a free pair of our Butterfly Swords!
Win a free pair of our Butterfly Swords (up to $449 in value) when you share your Wing Chun Pictures and Videos with us! A lot of you, our kung-fu brothers and sisters, ask us to…
Dangerous Wing Chun Swords from Longquan.
Here is a good article warning about some cheaply made and dangerous swords currently coming out of China. From https://kwansao.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/dangerous-wing-chun-swords-from-longquan/ : “A Longquan sword maker is selling Bat Jom Do on eBay as “lqyanggu”. I suspect…