Win a free pair of our Butterfly Swords!

Win a free pair of our Butterfly Swords!

Win a free pair of our Butterfly Swords (up to $449 in value) when you share your Wing Chun Pictures and Videos with us!

A lot of you, our kung-fu brothers and sisters, ask us to promote you and share your pictures and videos on our social media sites. Generally speaking, we do not do this because we are a neutral organization that supports all versions and lineages of Wing Chun – and promoting certain people or lineages that are not selling products via our site would look like favoritism towards a lineage or Sifu.

However, we do want to promote Wing Chun and many of you also really deserve recognition as well. So what we have decided to do is ask all of you to send us pictures and videos that we can use on our sites (Facebook and Google+, etc). This will give you a chance to get seen by tens of thousands of dedicated Wing Chunners; and will help us promote Wing Chun in all of its variety.

Wait! What was that about Winning a Pair of Swords??

Everyone that submits is eligible to win a pair of our swords (value $449 or less – your choice of sword pair). You get 1 chance per usable photo submitted. So if you submit 20 usable photos you will get 20 chances to win. After all the pictures are in we will put the names of everyone that submitted a photo in an empty wall bag and will draw 1 name out. That winner will get his or her choice of swords!! (For a photo to be usable, it needs to be in focus, about wing chun, over 600×600, etc. i.e. something we can actually use! 😉 )

How does it work?

  • Send us your favorite Wing Chun pictures of you or your school training… Or anything else Wing Chun related. You don’t have to show your face if you don’t want to – just something about Wing Chun is good! (minimum resolution 600 x 600. Max 2MB file size). You can send them to the Everything Wing Chun email ( Or, if you have a lot, email us and we can arrange a better transfer medium. They must be ORIGINAL photos you own the copyright to.
  • (optional) Include your name, website, and where you currently train. This info will be included on every photo shared (i.e. Photo courtesy of: Your Name, Website, or School, etc).
  • (optional) Include your personal training philosophy or a good Wing Chun quote or thought (max 150 words). We might use this as the text on the picture. Please do not send an AD. We are not advertising your school or lineage or whatever. We will use your picture or video to promote WING CHUN, and you will get the credit for the photo.
  • (optional) Let us know your Facebook name so we can tag you in the photo.

fb photo

How many pictures can I send?

We would really love to get 1000 pictures from you guys. So send as many as you like!! You get 1 chance to win per usable photo.

What if I do not have a Wing Chun school?

If you do not have a Wing Chun school you can still get involved.  Just send us your pictures of you, your favorite gear, or anything that screams “Wing Chun”.

How do you send your photos in?

Just email all your photos to the Everything Wing Chun email ( If you have a lot, email us and we can arrange a better transfer medium.

When is the deadline?

The deadline for the drawing will be April 30, 2014 –  but we will ALWAYS accept new pictures!

6 thoughts on “Win a free pair of our Butterfly Swords!

  1. I love Butterfly Knives. I never had a real pair of my own, every since my daughter was born and I’ve married everything has been about taking care of the family so I haven’t had any extra money to get a pair and I have been doing Wing Chun since 7, I am 46 years old now. It would be nice to win a pair, a real pair.

  2. Now is 23 Dec 2014

    New picture still accepted?
    I do have some pictures,
    I do want to involve in any project share the VING TSUN/WING CHUN forms I know.
    Can I send you some pictures, any times, any amount?

    Thanks and regards

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