We are always curious to hear the different perspectives of Wing Chun teachers from around the world. More often than not, from lineage to lineage, or Sifu to Sifu, you will hear different answers to the…
Review – Sifu Sergio – Ip Man Series: Siu Nim Tao and Applications
Recently I decided to pick up one of Sifu Sergio’s DVDs called “Ip Man Wing Chun Series Siu Nim Tau and variations.” If you are not familiar with Sergio, he is known for traveling the world…

Sifu Taner and Sifu Graziano’s New Chi Sao DVDs & Siu Nim Tao
Sifu Taner and Sifu Graziano have released the following DVDs: (digital versions here) These DVDs take you through the Leung Ting lineage chi sao sections and Siu Nim Tao!
Another Review for Gary Lam’s Foundation Fortress
The DVD “Foundation Fortress” by Sifu Gary Lam of the Wong Shun Leung Wing Chun (WSLWC) lineage is the latest offering by Sifu Lam covering Wing Chun’s empty-hand form “Siu Nim Tau.” The wording on the…
Review – Eddie Chong’s Yip Man 3 DVD Set
This is a 3 DVD set. Each DVD in the set is reviewed in detail here. What Disk 1 is About: Master Sifu Eddie Chong demonstrates the three forms applications of Wing Chun Gung Fu, as…
Eddie Chong’s WCKFS DVD 1 – Sil Nim Tao
What it’s about: Master Sifu Eddie Chong, demonstrates and provides a detailed breakdown of Wing Chun Kung Fu’s first from, Sil Nim Tao. Comments: This DVD is one of four in a companion set on Wing…
Review – Eddie Chong’s Faht Shan (Pan Nam) Wing Chun Set
This is a 3 DVD set. Each DVD in the set is reviewed in detail here. What Disk 1 is about: Master Sifu Eddie Chong, of the Fushan White Eyebrow-Fushan Wing Chun Kung Fu Association presents…