Sifu Taner and Sifu Graziano’s New Chi Sao DVDs & Siu Nim Tao

Sifu Taner and Sifu Graziano’s New Chi Sao DVDs & Siu Nim Tao

Sifu Taner and Sifu Graziano have released the following DVDs:

(digital versions here)

These DVDs take you through the Leung Ting lineage chi sao sections and Siu Nim Tao!

Siu Nim Tao

Master Graziano will show you in this DVD:

– Complete Siu Nim Tao Form
– Bodyconcepts
– All principles and mottos
– Centerlinetheorie
– All movements in detail
….and much more

Chi Sao section 6

Master Taner Erdogan and Master Graziano Di Giorgio will show you in this DVD:

– Complete 6th Chi Sao section
– How to use the “Don-Faak-Sao” in a right way
– Faak-Sao drill with bodymotion
– How to use your shoulder as a attack
– All movements in detail…
and much more

Chi Sao section 7

Master Taner Erdogan and Master Graziano Di Giorgio will show you in this DVD:

– Complete 7th Chi Sao Section
– Learn the “Force Section”
– Learn the “hidden” and real 7th Chi Sao section
– How to use the Huen-Sao in a right way
– All movements, like Tok-Sao, Jat-Sao, Jum-Sao….. in detail
and much more.

Chi Sao sections 4 & 5

Master Taner Erdogan and Master Graziano Di Giorgio will show you in this DVD:

– Complete 4th and 5th Chi Sao section
– Learn the footwork and the Phoenix-punch
– How to close the distance i a right way
– Bodywork together with steps
– All movements in detail…
and much more.

Check them out today!

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