WCI Review – Randy Williams – Bot Jom Doh Applications

WCI Review – Randy Williams – Bot Jom Doh Applications

The coveted and, at one time, exclusively guarded weapons of Wing Chun entice the practitioner’s aspirations to learn the double knives as a point of proficiency, with the allure of being amongst a committed echelon that has earned their place to learn them. With today’s Internet age and the exchange of information at the click of a mouse, the closed vault of exclusivity of who can access learning the marquee weapons of the system has been opened. Sifu Randy Williams thoroughly, with a detailed breakdown in a cohesive 35-chapter format, introduces the practical applications of his Bot Jom Doh in a well-produced instalment that gets a handle on wielding the blades over a 106-minute runtime.

Before immersing into the title subject of the DVD, Sifu Williams, accompanied by a student, delves into the parallel comparisons between empty-hand structures and techniques to the corresponding knife techniques with the supporting terminologies, concepts and movements. In addition is an expanded submission of the reasons for the assigned name of the Wing Chun blades, as Bot Jom Doh, with their traditional Chinese correlations. But, wait! There’s more. He shares with the audience his do-ityourself Wooden Dummy modification to provide a device upon which the practitioner can work an array of attacking and blocking motions to apply the relative angles, footwork and patterns.

With the template set of the techniques and footwork patterns in play, the presentation moves on to knives versus knives application drills, of which 22 methods of drilling are shared with the viewing audience. Each section is principally demonstrated, with a step-by-step breakdown of the sequence of actions, to flow, to increased proficiency, and then replayed in slow motion for the viewer to analyse what has been played in the relative drill sequence. Throughout each section of knives versus knives chapters, every possible angle and range of attacking lines is entertained to cover the area of engagement with a would-be weapon-wielding attacker.

Sifu Williams then moves on to sticking it to his opponent with another 10 chapters, focusing on knives versus pole practising and applications. Diversifying the lines of attack to resemble the swinging motions of any domestic stick or pole-shaped device, martial arts pole work, and in response to conventional Wing Chun pole methods of attack. Throughout the evolution of each chapter, not only are the angles and ranges of footwork explored from short to long range, but include the addition of relative kicks that can maximise one’s utilities in debilitating the opponent.

From first slash to finishing stab, this well-filmed volume moves fast and furious, slashing its way from practice to practical with camera work that gives that in-class feel to a closed-door workshop of the Wing Chun knives. There’s a lot of drills and info to cover, and the long runtime will get extended play for the keen learner.

Randy Williams – Bot Jom Doh Applications
Buy Download from Everything Wing Chun Instant Access
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Language: English
Running Time: Approx. 146 mins.
Format: Digital Download Only
Availability: Everything Wing Chun Instant Access
Review by: Dwight Hennings

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