Review – Sifus Taner and Graziano – Tripole Form

Review – Sifus Taner and Graziano – Tripole Form

This video presents instruction for strengthening legs for kicking, joint disabling and throwing techniques. It shows the tripod dummy form, advanced footwork, how to kick with the right angle, applications, and more.

Comments on Production:

The production set up for this video, is the same as the others in the Tanner and Graziano Wing Tjun instructional Series. All appear professionally done… there are no fancy closer up shots, which could have been useful. However, that always raises production cost (equipment and staff) and could make editing more costly. Their presentation style, can be categorized as “straightforward.” Setting a camera-up and shooting a scene from a frame within a known depth of field, makes production far easier.

Review Comments:

tg09-2The tripod apparatus is a device, constructed out of wood with three stake like structures, sticking upward from a platform support. The stakes are setup in a triangular pattern that simulate the legs of an opponent. This device is used to train for kicking and throws, etc. for example, it will allow one to improve in their Wing Chun footwork, such as the flat-walk and other typical movements to use in combative techniques with the feet while moving behind an opponent. However, keep in mind, the tripod device is not a moving structure. The wooden dummy and Tripod simulate an ideal spatial relationship between oneself and the opponent. Kicking, throwing and forward movement require a sense of timing and feel once you have engaged your opponent or partner in practice… it is the feel of the situation, particularly when physically connected in some way and you’re very close, which provides for the proper technique to emerge. This device, sets the stakes up for kicking and footwork practice, it’s good for that and only for that!

There is only one disagreement I have about the use of this device… in one of the movement patterns shown, it demonstrates an exercise for a throw, while your hands are chambered… throwing techniques are difficult enough and are the hardest techniques to complete. You cannot effectively throw easily, without using the movements of your opponent’s upper body and one’s arms/hands are in the correct position and only when the opportunity is there! …one’s structure has to be just right and the position of your body; its relationship to your opponent must be appropriate to execute the throw.

Review Specifications:
Reviewer: George Hernandez
Presentation Title: “Saam Sing Chong – Tripole Dummy”
Presenters: Sifus Taner and Graziano
Date: 5/15/2015

Technical Specifications:
Language: English
Format: DVD or Digital Download
DVD Format: NTSC Region 0
Resolution (download only): 720p
Running Time: 28 Minutes

Production Rating (1-5 scale):
Sound Quality: 5
Video Quality: 5
Total Production Score: 10

Subject/Instruction Rating:
Subject matter: 4
Instruction Quality: 4
Total Subject/Instruction Rating: 8

Reviewers Rating: 3
Score Subtotal: 21
Total Score: 21/25= 84%

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