Review – Chu Shong Tin’s 2004 Wing Chun Seminar

Review – Chu Shong Tin’s 2004 Wing Chun Seminar

What It’s About

Master Chu presents a discussion and demonstration of the three forms of Wing Chun Kung Fu and the practice of Chi Sao.


Master Chu, in this seminar talks about all three forms of the Wing Chun system, again he plays particular attention to Siu Nim Tao and how it relates to the other two forms, Chum Kiu and Bil Jee. Students in this seminar ask Chu questions about various aspects related to each form and their personal practice in Wing Chun.

In this DVD, you’re given the opportunity to experience a master teacher of a martial art system, so well respected throughout the world. He definitely “walks the talk.” For a man in his advanced years he still has the capability in showing how Wing Chun technique works effectively and discusses how its basic structure applies to all three forms in the Wing Chun system. He answers questions from students with ease, with authority and experience. He is definitely a master teacher of masters.

This is the final production in the Seminar series of Master Chu Shong Tin, offered by “Everything Wing Chun.” The DVD will complete your collection of this martial art system presented by a master teacher. In each seminar Master Chu presents something new and interesting; content which would enhance any teacher’s knowledge base about Wing Chun as a fighting system. In this DVD as well as in the others, he directly interacts with students at the seminar to demonstrate his answers to their questions about structure and applications.

In the Chi Sao portion of this DVD, his approach is the same and does Chi Sao with each student. Here they are able to experience the hand of a master in Wing Chun. It’s an experience; one can easily see how much they appreciate this kind of direct contact. By observing them, it is clear that they understand what their limitations are in the practice of Chi Sao and how they might correct it. You probably can watch Chi Sao all day and not really understand what’s going on, at least from a beginner’s point of view. So my recommendation is to treat yourself and watch it very carefully.

Technical Specifications

Title: Chu Shong Tin – 2004 Wing Chun Seminar: Three Forms and Chi Sau
Language: English
Region: All
Format: DVD-R
Number of Disk: 1
Length: approximately Two hours (This presentation was converted from VHS for DVD access; the menu will refer to each section of the DVD, as Disk 1 and 2). Please note, there is only one disk and that the conversion process from one media type to another, presents the same quality as the original production.
Part one – Three forms, 1:01:34
Part two – Double Chi Sao, 1:01:29

Video Quality: Average
Audio Quality: Poor, 1 out of 5

Content Overview: Three forms, Chi Sao

  • Introduction
  • Brief History of Wing Chun
    • Ng Moy, the Founder of Wing Chun.
  • Wing Chun’s, Three Forms-direct relationships between each other. Discussed:
    • Each form has its own specific purpose
    • Wing Chun is based on other styles of Kung Fu.
    • It is unique, different and innovated; integral expression of previous kung-fu styles.
    • Directing the other persons force to the ground.
    • At an advance level you to no longer need to direct the force down to the legs.
    • Horse stance is not needed to generate a large force.
    • Making your opponent feel your force with little effort.
    • Demonstration of the Circle using Bong and Tan Sao, it is the same movement.
    • Chum Kiu, introduction of the body mass.
    • Chum Kiu rotation increases the power.
    • The body mass is directed toward the target.
    • The development of Chum Kiu force, depends on a strong foundation based on the Siu Nim Tao form.
    • Rotation of the body mass, and the circle redirects the incoming force.
    • The Dan Tien is different than from the center of gravity or one’s center of gravity.
    • Intention, aiming and Focus.
    • Bil Jee, integration of Siu Nim tao and Chum Kiu principles.
    • Bil Jee, going beyond the surface turning of Chum Kiu.
    • Bill Jee, movement becomes multi-directional.
    • Bill Jee, generation of smaller circular movement will create concentrated force.
    • Joints generate the force.
    • Generating and projecting the large circular force to the to smaller circles.
    • Learning to move the center of the joint.
    • The more relaxed, the more force you’ll generate and release.
    • Tai Gong and the natural linking with Wing Chun practice.
  • Chi Sau
    • Demonstration of Chi Sao practice with students.
    • Sticky hands and sparring.
    • The method of sticky hands.
      • Teaches how to attack your opponent.
      • Preventing attack and controlling the centerline.
      • Using the bottom arm as a point of rest.
      • The application of no force.
      • If you practice sticky hands properly you will never get tried.
      • The opponent will actually communicate when the attack is eminent…it’s something you feel during the practice of Chi Sao.
      • The first level of sticky hands is to make your opponent Unsteady.
      • Teaches you how to be at a position of advantage when it appears you’re at a position of disadvantage.
      • The foundation for learning the application of the “Mind Force.”
      • In order use the “Mind Force” you must be relaxed.
      • Learn how to relax yourself in the structure.
      • Use the “Mind Force” to practice the structure.
      • Learn how to redirect the force to the legs. Redirecting the force from the center is much more difficult.
      • Chinese terms Jing Xun
        • Jing, the essence
        • Xun, spirit/awareness.
        • Allows one to respond properly.
      • Aggression and ego in the Wing Chun system will limit your potential.
      • Patience in your practice will allow you to reach a higher level of skill in Wing Chun than the person who is too quick to learn.

Reviewer: George Hernandez
Date: February 19, 2011
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
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This DVD is also available for download on Everything Wing Chun Instant Access

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