New! Greg Yau & Tim Lee – Amazing Secrets of the Holistic Athlete

New! Greg Yau & Tim Lee – Amazing Secrets of the Holistic Athlete

Amazing Secrets of the Holistic Athlete chronicles one athlete’s journey to mastering his art, and reveals hidden secrets taught in private instruction by Wing Chun Grandmaster Greg Yau. These techniques complement just about any type of workout and are applicable to both athletes and those seeking a long healthy life. 

Amazing Secrets covers revolutionary techniques one can use to unify and strengthen their body through the use of Acupuncture meridians, Chi Gung, Acupressure without needles, Quantum physics, breath control, healthy habit development and body sequencing. This book explains the theories behind our training methods and shows one even how to test the techniques work.

We have 25 signed and numbered copies. (Numbers range from 4-100). Grab one of these for your collection today!

Paperback: 104 pages; Language: English
Lineage: Yip Man -> Chris Chan & Stanley Chan -> Greg Yau -> (& Tim Lee)

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