Verstehen Sie Duetch? Sifu Niko’s First 2 DVDs are now online.

Verstehen Sie Duetch? Sifu Niko’s First 2 DVDs are now online.

Sifu Niko has released the first 2 of his 12 DVD set for download.

These well-made DVDs are in German, but English speakers can still follow-along easily.

These are the first Wing Tsun-teaching-DVDs on the market to show thoroughly and clearly the full system. Sifu Niko professionally demonstrates Wing Tsun techniques in a detailed and easily understandable way.

These DVDs are equally well suited for both beginners and instructors!
– For the beginner for self-study.
– For instructors as the basis for their teaching.

Sifu Niko – Wing Tsun DVD 01 – Self-Defense – Basic Levels 1-4

The first Wing Tsun-teaching-DVD on the market to show thoroughly and clearly the exercise programs of the Basic Levels 1-4.

In 180 Units Sifu Niko professionally demonstrates Wing Tsun techniques in a detailed and easily understandable way.

DVD 1 content:

– The complete training program for the first year (basic levels 1-4)
– Theory with practical examples
– Basic techniques
– Siu Nim Tao (first form)
– Chum Kiu (second form)
– Chi Sao (reflexes training)
– Lat Sao (combat applications)
– Self-defense applications

Language: German (The techniques are easy to comprehend, even without being able to understand German)

Duration: ca 105 minutes

Sifu Niko – Wing Tsun DVD 02 – Self-Defense – Basic Levels 5-8

Following the success of the first Wing Tsun-teaching-DVD Sifu Nikos’ 2nd Wing Tsun-DVD presents the exercise programs of the Basic Levels 5-8.

In the accustomed high quality and forgoing secrecy 100 units are shown clearly and in every detail.

DVD 2 content:

– The complete training program for the second year (basic levels 5-8)
– Theory with practical examples
– Preparatory exercises
– 1st Chi Sao-Section (complete)
– 1st Chi Sao-Section applications
– Combat applications (knee/elbow strikes, throwing, ground fighting, boxing and kicking distances)

Language: German (The techniques are easy to comprehend, even without being able to understand German)

Duration: ca 93 minutes

About Sifu Niko:

Sifu Niko was born in 1962 in Greece and has lived in Germany since 1969. At the age of 11 he began studying martial arts, first Judo, followed by Jiu Jiutsu, Taekwondo, Karate, Western Boxing and Viet Vo Dao. He achieved remarkable success in both light- and full contact tournaments.

In 1985 he started studying the Leung Ting Wing Tzun-System under Sigung Keith R. Kernspecht and his associate trainers. At the same time he also started studying the Philippine weapon-based martial art Escrima under Master Bill Newman and his trainers, eventually reaching the qualification of teacher. He was awarded the title of “Sifu” in the Leung Ting Wing Tsun-System in 1993 by Grandmaster Leung Ting personally.
Sifu Niko has been teaching Wing Tsun and Escrima professionally, and on a full time basis for more than 25 years. In 1999 he founded his own independent association, the “Wing Tsun Fachschulen-Bund”. In many schools, in several countries, he has taught Wing Tsun to thousands of students. His schools are renowned for their high standard, but also for their relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

From 2001-2003 he worked regularly with Sifu Sergio Iadarola in Amsterdam to put the final polish on his skills.

Throughout the years he has passed on his acquired knowledge to many sifu’s and teachers. He is eternally grateful to all the masters, teachers and trainers who supported him on his way. Also he is grateful to his many students who, over the years, have continued to give him their trust.

(1) Yip Man -> Leung Ting -> Keith R. Kernspecht -> Sifu Niko
(2) Yip Man -> Leung Ting -> Sifu Sergio Iadarola -> Sifu Niko

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