Review – Eddie Chong’s WCKFS DVD 4 – Muk Yan Jong

Review – Eddie Chong’s WCKFS DVD 4 – Muk Yan Jong

What it’s about:

Master Sifu Eddie Chong demonstrates and provides a detailed breakdown of Wing Chun Kung Fu’s training using the Muk Yan Jong or Wooden Dummy.


The movements used in the Muk Yan Jong, or wooden dummy set might very from Sifu to Sifu and certainly from the three schools or families of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Some employ a traditional opening in the set and others do not, the sequence of techniques can change, while others might omit a particular type of technique all together.  In the “Faht Shan” Wing Chun Kung-fu wooden dummy set, practitioners are taught the Dim Muk or death touch fingers, while other schools exclude this method.  It is indeed a matter of choice.

The construction of the dummy may also differ; some require a frame and are free standing or could be anchored to the wall. There are also wooden dummies that stand on a foundation or base…no frame is required. The stakes or arms might be parallel and angled slightly from each other, while on other types the right arm is off set in a higher position.

A lower stake is positioned just below the two parallel arms and may serve as an arm or leg when using technique.  The leg stake is lowest of the three and may touch the floor, while with some they do not. Some have padding above the arms and others do not, usually the padding is an optional feature…again, it’s a matter of choice. For Those students who are concerned about cost, the Wooden Dummy can be purchased in China for about $100 USD or slightly above that amount, it would likely cost you more to ship it than to buy it.  In the states the price may run from $900 to $1,500 or more, shipping the item is usually an addition cost as well!  Indeed, it pays to comparison shop.  There are also books available that you may purchase, which will show you how to build a Muk Yan Jong of your own.

The Wooden Dummy set is performed completely, with brief descriptive comments made by Master Sifu Eddie Chong.  A detailed breakdown follows the full demonstration with applications from each section of the form. Emphasis is placed on the dos and don’ts of properly using a technique based on the Wooden Dummy sequence.  Wooden Dummy training is an essential part of any system of Wing Chun Kung fu; it was considered in the Ng Moy tradition as a secret teaching and only taught to deserving monks.

The Muk Yan Jong DVD is the last volume in the series produced by Master Sifu Chong on the Wing Chun Kung Fu system.  All four DVDs would be an excellent addition to any beginning student’s collection of WC training material or as part of an experienced teacher’s martial art library.

Technical Specifications:

Title: Wing Chun Kung Fu system – Muk Yan Jong
Presenters: Eddie Chong
Region:  all
Number of disc:  1
Length:  00:30.00
Language:  English

Rating scale 1-5:
DVD rating: 4 out of 5
Production Quality: 3.5
Sound Quality: 3.5
Video Quality: 3.5
Material covered: 5
Instructional qualities: 5

Content Overview of: Muk Yan Jong: Wooden Dummy.

  1. Introduction
    1. Training and Background of Master Sifu Eddie Chong
    2. Some recommendations and cautionary notes
    3. Full demonstration of the Muk Yan Jong Wooden dummy set.
  2. Critique
    1. First Section of form
      1. Applications
        1. Defense using the right or left hand and arm
        2. Fook Sau grab/pull with and palm strike
        3. Tan Sau with a palm strike
        4. Gum Sau hand with a strike to the belly
        5. Gum Sau and Bil Sau combination
        6. Inside bridge and Bong Sau combination
        7. Counter measure and trapping hand
    2. Second section of form
      1. Applications
        1. Inside/outside Pac Sau
        2. Turning the hand, moving to the side and kicking
        3. Double hand rotation
        4. Double punch or Double palm
    3. Third Section of form
      1. Applications
        1. Keeping your focus on centerline – do not look down
        2. Bong Sau Block
        3. Double palm strike
        4. The improper use of the Wu Sau hand
        5. Using the jet Sau at the elbow
        6. Using a Tan Sau hand and a sweeping kick
    4. Fourth Section of form
      1. Applications
        1. Rolling arms and forearm strike
        2. Using the Bong Sau and Wu Sau hand and striking
        3. Arm grab and sweeping motions
    5. Fifth Section of form
      1. Applications
        1. Snake and crane hand combinations
        2. Left/ Right and hook – palm strike
        3. Counter to a Gong Sau defense
        4. Chum Kiu combination
    6. Sixth Section of Form
      1. Applications
        1. Tan Sau and a double strike
        2. Tau Sau hand to the Chin
    7. Seventh Section of Form
      1. Applications
        1. Foot techniques and striking with the elbow
        2. Kicking, stepping in and guarding with the Wu Sau hand
        3. Gum Sau hand guard and should/elbow strike
        4. The tree available shots to the opponents neck
    8. Eighth Section of Form
      1. Applications
        1. The Gong Sau hand and combination kick
        2. Hooking the invading hand and striking at the face
        3. Tan Sau and Double palm and kicking
    9. Ninth Section of Form
      1. Applications
        1. Tan Sau and Punch
        2. Grabbing and kicking
        3. Gong Sau and kicking
          1. Kicking the front leg
          2. Getting in and kicking the back leg
    10. Tenth Section of Form
      1. Bong Sau Defense, pull and kicking
      2.  Bong Sau, turning inside, Tiger Palm Grab
      3. Bong Sau and a Double palm strike
      4. Pac and strike combination
  3. Repeat of the Muk Yan Jong: Wooden Dummy Form
    1. Full demonstration
      1. Master Sifu Eddie Chong

Reviewer: George Hernandez
Buy the Eddie Chong DVDs on Everything Wing Chun

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