New! Ian Protheroe – Wing Chun Saam Sing Jong DVD

New! Ian Protheroe – Wing Chun Saam Sing Jong DVD

Ian Protheroe just released a new DVD on the Wing Chun Saam Sing Jong, (aka Three Star Dummy, Tripodial, etc). The DVD is an edited version of a seminar he gave in Brisbane, Australia.  He says:

“This DVD covers both circular and linear footwork, plum flower, or triangular footwork around the jong and circular stepping through the jong. Combination kicking, foot blocks, jams and sweeps complete the martial aspects of this valuable training tool. Correct stance width while stepping ensures dynamic balance is maintained throughout the footwork sequences, a must for martial practice.

Continuous stepping becomes moving meditation, an often neglected and overlooked part of modern kung fu training, this DVD shows the correct methods to achieve a clear mind for relaxation and training preparation.”

We have not seen the DVD yet (the first copies are on their way now – ETA 24 May 2012!), but considering how through Sifu Protheroe is, and how little published information there is on the Saam Sing Jong, we expect the DVD to be a good one.  Personally this was always one of our favorites.

You can grab the DVD and look for updated descriptions and videos from the link below.  It is also slated to be available for Instant Download in about a month.

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