We will now take a look at the sword blade steels, and how they differ. It is very important to get a steel that meets your needs. For example, if you want a display sword, then…
Author: Modell Design, LLC
Choosing Wing Chun Butterfly Swords – Part 1b – Blade Length
We will now take a look at the sword blade length, and how it applies to your style. The correct blade length is determined by the style of martial art (Wing Chun, Hung Gar, etc), your lineage…
Choosing Wing Chun Butterfly Swords – Part 1a – Blade Shape
We will now take a look at the sword blade, starting with the cutting slope and the shape of the blade. These are very important because they dictate what you can effectively do with the sword…
Choosing Wing Chun Butterfly Swords – Intro
Many Chinese martial arts use “Butterfly Swords,” but they are the jewel of the Wing Chun system. Practitioners who reach their level of study are expected to practice intensely, thoughtfully and achieve an understanding that recursively…
Nightmare Grind Butterfly Knives — Special Project
A couple of U.S. Western-style knife makers did blades with a combination of different grinds. For example, a convex (lenticular) grind adjacent to a concave (hollow) grind. I am not sure this sort of thing is…
Sasquatch-Style Butterfly Knives
Perhaps the most valuable Randall knife is the big Sasquatch recurve designed by Doug Kenefick. They sell for about $1100 to $1300 per single knife on eBay. I have one on order from him, but meanwhile…

Knives for Wing Chun
Designing knives for the Wing Chun community is tough because it is an aggregation of different lineages and schools. While the length of the knife is determined either by the inside or outside measure on the…